Leveraging the Full Potential of Artistic Research
As a member of The Artistic Research Alliance, SAR is happy to announce that the Artistic Research Alliance has officially launched its first statement (Leveraging the Full Potential of Artistic Research), marking a significant step in our shared advocacy for artistic research at European and international levels. The alliance stands for artistic research in all its diversity, from academic institutions to independent research actors, and including research in all art practice disciplines: architecture, design, film, photography, fine art, media and digital arts, music and the performing arts, creative writing, circus etc., as well as transdisciplinary efforts. This statement represents the collective voice of our alliance and our commitment to elevating the role of artistic research in education, research, innovation, and policy discussions.
Representing around 1000 networks institutions in the field of artistic research across, we offer our collective expertise to contribute to the discourse on key policy, funding, and assessment frameworks, such as the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10) and The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). Jointly we put topics on the agenda that are key for the resilience, development and sustainability of the field.
Leveraging the Full Potential of Artistic Research
Important update:
The deadline for submissions has been extended to: October 29, 2024
For more about the conference, submission guidelines and to submit a proposal, see this page.
The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research is hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto. Organised in collaboration with the Society of Artistic Research (SAR), it is the largest conference on practice-based research through the arts. The SAR Conference brings together leading practitioners, scholars and policymakers to showcase exemplary artistic research projects while focusing on key issues through critical debate.
The past decade witnessed the appearance of new debating spaces within artistic research. At a time when art and culture, local and global policies and events are haunted by societal challenges as vast as they are unpredictable, what can artistic researchers offer in response to these concerns? How can artistic research resonate beyond its specific contexts and disciplinary borders?
Resonance is a prompt to address the transformative nature of artistic research as a connective element that evokes a response and qualifies our experiences as meaningful.
However, it can also be understood as a critical tool characterised by reciprocity and mutual transformation. Resonance is a response to personal and global challenges both poetically and through modes of political imagination and transformative meeting spaces.
Getting into resonance is to create a relation between artistic research and the world that requires questioning and answering, but also the ability to change and be changed.
Call for submissions is now open and has been extended to October 29th, 2024!
The SAR Prize winner for 2023 has been announced!
The Executive Board of SAR is delighted to announce the winner of the Annual Prize for Excellent Research Catalogue Exposition 2023!
The full jury report can be read here.
1st place: Thomas Pearce “On the Indeterminate Training Technologies of a Reconstructed Bauhaus Choreographer. A Research Practice Between Speculative Histography, Architectural Invention, and Performative Co-enactment” |
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2nd place: Emma Cocker, Andrea Coyotzi Borja, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin, Vidha Saumya “TEXTORIUM: Collaborative Writing-Reading with/in Public Space” |
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3rd place: Soren Kjærgaard & Torben Snekkestad “Traversing Sonic Territories (TST)” |
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SAR International Forum
Artistic Research 2024
15th International Conference on Artistic Research
SAR International Forum on Artistic Research will take place from April 10th to 11th 2024, hosted by Fontys Academy of the Arts in Tilburg.
Program may be found here.
Deadline: 27th of March 2024
This year the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) introduces a new biennial meeting format, that offers time and space for thought-provoking and stimulating dialogue between artistic researchers, artists, practitioners, as well as policy makers and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.
The Forum 2024 co-developed by Fontys and SAR to be a new and innovative biennial format, that will alternate with the already established SAR conferences.
What Methods Do – International Symposium on Artistic Research Methods
What Methods Do – Exploring the Transformative Potential of Artistic Research
This international symposium on Artistic Research Methods will take place at the Textile Museum in Tilburg on April 9th 13:00-19:00.
Annual Prize for Best RC Exposition 2023 – Nomination Deadline 01.02.24
Annual Prize for Best RC Exposition 2023 – Nomination Deadline 01.02.24
The Executive Board of SAR announces the opportunity to nominate candidates for the Annual Prize for Excellent Research Catalogue Exposition 2023. The prize aims to foster and encourage innovative, experimental new formats of publication and, on the other hand, to give visibility to the qualities of artistic research artifacts. The Executive Board will appoint a jury to assess the submissions. The jury consists of one member of the SAR Executive Board, one representative from portal partners, and one former prize winner. Please note: Previous winners of the prize cannot submit for three full years after receiving their award.
Publication period of submission: Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2023.
Deadline for submission: Jan 31, 2024.
Prize Award: € 500.
For submission info please read the official announcement.
SAR Prize (2022) : Winner Announced
The prize aims to foster and encourage innovative, experimental new formats of publication and to give visibility to the qualities of artistic research artefacts.
We received 14 very good and diverse applications from different disciplines. The evaluation was carried out by a jury composed of Paulo Luís Almeida, Jacek Smolicki and Blanka Chládková. The jury highly appreciates the quality and compactness of the exhibition by Andreas Berchtold titled “In circles leading on“:
Honorable mentions go to: “Spotting A Tree From A Pixel” by Sheung Yiu and “Fragments in Time” by Tobias Leibetseder, Thomas Grill, Almut Schilling, Till Bovermann.
Read the full jury report here.
14th SAR Conference Trondheim: recordings available
Video recordings of the opening and the keynote speeches by Pier Luigi Sacco and Anjalika Sagar, as well as the program produced in the KIT video studio are available at the conference website.
SAR Prize (2021) Winner Announced!
The Executive Board of SAR is delighted to announce the winner of the Annual Prize for Excellent Research Catalogue Exposition 2021. “Minuting. Rethinking the Ordinary Through the Ritual of Transversal Listening” by Jacek Smolicki.
He is followed by Alexandra Crouwers with her exposition “Plot, the Compositor, Mourning/Mistakes” on the second place and Timo Menke with his exposition “DARK MATTER(S)” on the third place.
Read the complete report here.
SAR General Assembly Election Results:
We hereby announce the results of the SAR elections that took place during the SAR General assembly on 4th of July 2022 in Weimar:
Florian Schneider has been elected SAR president (for 2022-2026)
Geir Ström has been re-elected SAR First Vice President/Treasurer (for 2022-2024)
Both Blanka Chládková & Esa Kirkkopelto have been elected as SAR board member (for 2022-2026)
See “Who we are” for more information.
Call for Establishing SAR Special Interest Groups – SIGs
The Executive Board is delighted to renew its Call for Establishing SAR Special Interest Groups (SIGs). SIGs may be suggested, organised, and moderated by any SAR member (individual members, representatives of institutional members) with the aim of conducting a particular activity, theme or focus area under the umbrella of SAR and promoting the activity and its results within the SAR community.
For more information on establishing a SIG see: SAR Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
SAR expresses its solidarity with artists and researchers who as a consequence of war now have to fear for their own lives, and of those of their families and friends. We want to express our compassion with all those innocent civilians who are suffering. We are horrified about the ruthlessness with which civilian targets are attacked in the Ukraine, and we appeal for an immediate end to aggression, bloodshed and destruction and a return to human values in sight of the global future of the planet.
Like our partner associations AEC and ELIA, we state that the artistic research community is a global community where peaceful collaborations between people of all backgrounds are a lived reality. Thousands of Ukrainian and Russian students, academics, artists and researchers in art practices are at the same time working together peacefully all over Europe and the world. We stand by all these artists, as well as with Ukrainian people, in solidarity. We likewise call on all SAR member institutions to support refugees from the war zone within their possibilities to be able to continue their art studies in a non-bureaucratic way.
The future of life on the planet depends on the human ability for peaceful conflict resolution.
The SAR Presidents, Executive Board members, and Executive Officer
Vienna declaration
SAR is proud to present the Vienna Declaration, a policy paper advocating for the full recognition of Artistic Research across Europe. More than one year ago, the main organisations and transnational networks dealing with Artistic Research at European level and beyond decided to join forces to increase the visibility and recognition of this strand of research. The Vienna Declaration, co-written by AEC, CILECT / GEECT, Culture Action Europe, Cumulus, EAAE, ELIA, EPARM, EQ-Arts, MusiQuE and SAR, is the first outcome of this important collaboration. The initiative is open to the involvement of other international organisations proving legitimate interest.
The long term aims of this concerted action, and the formulation of documents such as the Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research and the Florence Principles on the Doctorate in the Arts, are to secure full recognition of artistic research both within international as well as national research directories and funding schemes.
SARA / Society for Artistic Research Announcement service
SAR enables individual and institutional members as well as non-members to distribute announcements of relevance to artistic research environments, such as symposia, conferences, exhibitions, performances, publications, study programmes, available positions etc. via a dedicated email list, reaching colleagues who have registered at the Research Catalogue (RC).
For more info or requesting an announcement, go to: sar-announcements.com