As a member of The Artistic Research Alliance, SAR is happy to announce that the Artistic Research Alliance has officially launched its first statement (Leveraging the Full Potential of Artistic Research), marking a significant step in our shared advocacy for artistic research at European and international levels. The alliance stands for artistic research in all its diversity, from academic institutions to independent research actors, and including research in all art practice disciplines: architecture, design, film, photography, fine art, media and digital arts, music and the performing arts, creative writing, circus etc., as well as transdisciplinary efforts. This statement represents the collective voice of our alliance and our commitment to elevating the role of artistic research in education, research, innovation, and policy discussions.
Representing around 1000 networks institutions in the field of artistic research across, we offer our collective expertise to contribute to the discourse on key policy, funding, and assessment frameworks, such as the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10) and The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). Jointly we put topics on the agenda that are key for the resilience, development and sustainability of the field.
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Leveraging the Full Potential of Artistic Research