The RC now facilitates both individual research outcomes in the form of expositions, as well as the portal partnership arrangement with a multiplicity of portal solutions including:
• Institutional repositories/archives, displayed within an international research environment;
• Software solution for online rich media journals, such as Journal for Artistic Research, Journal for Sonic Studies and RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research;
• A teaching/learning platform on research activities, where both the supervision and the examination takes place within the RC;
• A new research management module for handling research funding application within a closed portal including assessment, decision making and storage, which can be further extended to handle applications for doctoral studies as well as doctoral supervision and examination for those parts of final results that shall be documented and stored.
The portal members are partners in the joint venture of developing the RC and may by agreement operate one or more of the portal options listed above.
Click here to see an overview of all current Portal Partners.